This delightful recipe is an alternative way to enjoy kamote (sweet potato) and coffee. It is actually an adaptation of a recipe I found in the Hurom Slow Juicer recipe book but I added a dash of instant coffee and some Stevia (sweetener) to give it a true Latte taste. The original recipe doesn’t include any coffee or sweetener at all so it’s your choice if you want to do that or not.
Sweet Potato (Kamote) 100 grams
Milk 200 ml
Instant Coffee, unsweetened, 1 tsp. (optional)
Stevia or your choice of sweetener (optional)
1) Boil the Sweet Potato (Kamote) first. Slice into wedges. No need to peel it.
2) Heat the Milk but don’t boil it. When it’s warm, add the Instant Coffee and the sweetener. Stir until the coffee is completely dissolved in the milk. NOTE – Step 2 is optional. You can skip it and proceed to Step 3.
3) Close the cap and lever of your Hurom and fill the chamber with the Milk.
(In my case, I used the coarse strainer because I wanted this particular drink to be thicker in consistency.
3) Put Sweet Potato (Kamote) wedges into the chute one by one. When extraction is almost finished, place the lever in the half-open position to release the pulp of the Sweet Potato. Keep the Hurom on until Sweet Potato and Milk are well blended.
4) Pour into a cup and reheat if you wish.

Instead of sugar, I use Stevia as a sweetener. Stevia is natural and has been used in South America for hundreds of years. I prefer the Sweet Leaf brand because it has no added ingredients. When buying Stevia please read the ingredients to make sure you are buying pure Stevia.

Making two cups of Sweet Potato (Kamote) Latte… one for me and one for the hubby who took all these great photos!
Comments: It was a very interesting drink, Worth trying out. Not something that I would have everyday but maybe on a cold, rainy morning as a treat. My hubby found it gritty and so next time I will use the fine strainer for him. But overall, a good recipe. 3.5 Tiaras out of 5.