I had a strong feeling that there’d be one major disappointment for pageant fans in the coronation results of Bb. Pilipinas 2014. That’s why I wrote this post (click here to read) in anticipation of it. I just didn’t think it would be Pia Wurtzbach. I really thought she’d wake up today with her face splashed all over the newspapers.
While I was leaping for joy over MJ Lastimosa’s coronation, I couldn’t help but feel like her victory party was a little empty without Pia Wurtzbach there to celebrate with us. At the party, I tried hard not to think of the pain Pia must have been going through – the pain of being a runner-up last year and then nothing this year. The pain of being touted as sure to win then going home with tail tucked in.
Ironically, it seemed like Pia was walking in the footsteps of MJ Lastimosa herself – if you remember when MJ first joined Bb. Pilipinas, she placed as a runner-up. MJ joined a second time, was expected to win but left the stage with no crown, just a semi-final placement. It was such a painful loss for MJ (read the story here) that she vowed never to join again. But then she changed her mind and tried one more time and finally won the plum crown.
But will Pia Wurtzbach do an MJ and join a third time? It’s too early to say. When I visited Pia’s Instagram this morning, this was her post-Bb. Pilipinas 2014 message to her friends and fans -
GRATEFUL that I was able to experience what it’s like to be a part of the pageant world. When I placed 1st RU last year, I gave all my time, effort & love to my job. I had so much fun! I just tried again because I wanted to know of this was really meant for me. But how do you know if you don’t take chances, right? I’m glad I made it this far. No doubt that I learned so much from it. I’m a better person now than I was a year ago. Thank you to my mentors from Aces & Queens for teaching me everything I know & transforming me! & to my supporters for pushing me & encouraging me. THANK YOU!! Time to turn the page & move on to a new chapter!;)
Here is the screen shot of Pia’s Instagram with the message above.
It was such a relief to read this because as I said, I’ve been avoiding thinking about how she must feel. I just cannot bear the thought of someone as beautiful as Pia, all dolled-up then left out of the party. But her Instagram message, at least to me, proves that she’s okay. In fact, she sounds like she’s more okay than us, her fans! Pia is like a boxer who is quick to stand up after being knocked down for a few seconds.
But now she’s got me wondering… what did she mean by, “Time to turn the page & move on to a new chapter!;)” ?
Could it mean the end of her pageant career? Or will she do an MJ, join again and finally win? Let’s see what happens. At the moment I am just so glad that our sweet and dear Pia was quick to post such a comforting message to all of us who are worried about her. It truly is a mystery how some who experience loss still have the strength to comfort others.
Let me leave you with this thought from author Chuck Palahniuk – “It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.”
Be free and beautiful Pia and hope to see you in fighting form in the next stage of your life…