Bb. Pilipinas finally presented to the press it’s 40 Official contestants in this year’s beauty tilt. The event was held on Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2014, at the grand ballroom in Sofitel Hotel, formerly the Philippine Plaza. And from what this blogger witnessed, we’ve got another strong batch of contestants and more worthy beauties than crowns to give away.
Here are my thoughts on contestants 16 to 20. The names highlighted in RED are my top favorites. Those in GREEN I find intriguing.
Contestant #16 Zahara Mae O. Soriano bears a strong resemblance to Bb. Pilipinas Universe 1993 Dindi Gallardo so it’s no surprise that Dindi happens to be her favorite beauty queen ever! I first saw this pretty Tourism graduate at the Long Gown event of Slimmer’s World Miss Bikini Philippines 2013 where I was a judge. She was contestant #24 then. I hear that she also won the Best in Swimsuit honor at the Miss Resorts World Manila last year. Zahara’s beauty queen looks, flawless skin and bikini-worthy bod are her strongest suits!
She’s once… twice… three times a Binibini! And I love her!
Diana B. Arevalo is a 3-peater in Bb. Pilipinas. She was contestant #5 in 2011 and contestant #11 in 2011 and now she’s contestant #17. Looks like her number is going up! In her two previous attempts she entered the semi-finals so I’m certainly hoping she can, at the very least, match that and enter the semi-finals this year.
Her best asset is the years of experience she’s had in the pageant circuit as well as her work as an OFW for a major hotel in Macau. Having a contestant who knows what life is like for the hundreds of thousands of Filipinos working abroad and sending money back home shows that Bb. contestants are truly from different sectors of society.
On the physical side, I’m liking her slim but shapely form and pert, buck-tooth look. She’s restyled her hair and I totally approve!
Contestant #18 Ellore Noelle Punzalan is back for another shot at the Bb. Pilipinas title. She was contestant #22 last year and entered the Top 15 apart from garnering the Bulletin Readers’ Choice award then. The last time this blogger saw her was at the Runway for Hope 2013 fashion show where she wore a Jontie Martinez gown.
Although Ellore Punzalan was not a favorite of mine in last year’s Bb., she has risen in my eyes with her much improved walk and styling. The legs of this med student rival those of an antelope and I marvel at her lean midsection. And she’s got this way of smiling that speaks a thousand words. I’m certain she going to give it her all since she’s already 26 and nearing her retirement age in pageant competition. You go girl!
This charming Filipina beauty is no pageant virgin. Contestant #19 Mae Liezel J. Ramos has been competing since her teens and holds the Miss Kaogma Festival/Miss Camarines Sur 2010 title. She’s also placed as runner-up in several province pageants and was an official candidate in Miss World Philippines 2011.
Her Pinay beauty and long anaconda-like legs are the first things that grab my attention. I also love it that she’s an achiever with a degree in nursing who is studying to be an Internist.
Being called ‘Ken’ yet looking like Barbie is a blessing for contestant#20, Kenneth Santiago! Chances are, it’ll be the first question asked by judges during the closed-door interview and if she’s smart, Kenneth will use it as a chance to warm up to them. She could get extra valuable points that way.
So why is she called Kenneth? Because her Dad wanted a boy when she was born. But looking at her now, I wouldn’t want anything or anyone else!
A Pinay beauty in the 2014 Bb. collection, Kenneth Santiago has a pleasing visage and an endearing smile. She’s also a sharp businesswoman who has been able to establish a shoe business by selling her designs online and in stores across the city.